Def : Chronic infective inflammatory condition of
the mucoperiosteum of the middle ear cleft characterized by perforation
of the tympanic membrane, hearing loss and discharge
Types :
2. Attico-antral
Tubo-tympanic types :
Area involve in T-T Type- Antero-inferior portion of middle ear cleft
Etiology - As a complication of post-perforative type of acute suppurative otitis media usually acquired in infancy and early childhood
- Often associated with acute infectious disease
Predisposing factors :
- Rhinitis
- Cleft palate
- Primary mucociliary impaired function
2. Socio-economic condition : Damp, over/poor ventilated housing, over crowding, poor nutrition
3.Bathing habit
4.Self cleaning of the ears
5. Environmental pollution
6. Smoking (active/passive)
Routes of entry of Bacteria :
Always mixed organisms- Gram negative, Gram positive, Anaerobic (e.g. bacteroids)
Pathology :
Types :
2. Attico-antral
Tubo-tympanic types :
Area involve in T-T Type- Antero-inferior portion of middle ear cleft
Etiology - As a complication of post-perforative type of acute suppurative otitis media usually acquired in infancy and early childhood
- Often associated with acute infectious disease
Predisposing factors :
1.ET dysfunction :
- Age- Rhinitis
- Cleft palate
- Primary mucociliary impaired function
2. Socio-economic condition : Damp, over/poor ventilated housing, over crowding, poor nutrition
3.Bathing habit
4.Self cleaning of the ears
5. Environmental pollution
6. Smoking (active/passive)
Routes of entry of Bacteria :
1.Through perforation
2.Through ET
Organisms :Always mixed organisms- Gram negative, Gram positive, Anaerobic (e.g. bacteroids)
Pathology :
I.Central perforation with healed margin
II.Chronic inflammatory cells deposit in tissues
III.Hyaline degeneration
IV.Dystrophic calcification
VI.Mucous polyp formation
VII. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of glandular structures with increased secretions
VIII. Absorption of toxic materials in inner ear mainly through round window
IX. Erosion of ossicles
X. Fixation of ossicular joints
Symptoms :
VIII. Absorption of toxic materials in inner ear mainly through round window
IX. Erosion of ossicles
X. Fixation of ossicular joints
Symptoms :
I.Profuse, intermittent, mucoid or mucopurulent, non-odourous, non-blood stained aural discharge
II.Hearing loss (more in posterior perforation)
III.Tinnitus may or may not
Signs :
I.Discharge- profuse,intermittent, non-odourous, non-blood stained
II.TM – Central perforation
III.Middle ear mucosa- velvety and pink, may be oedematous( In active stage)
IV.Ossicles- can be seen, usually intact
V.Tuning fork test- normal
VI.Facial nerve intact
VII.Fistula test- negative
Investigations :
I.Pus for C/S
II.Pure tone audiometry
III.Xray Mastoid Town’s view/ Stenver’s view
IV.To exclude other sources of infection
Stages of the disease:
II. Drugs :
- Local antibiotic drops : Gentamycin/ Neomycin/ Bacitracin/ Polymyxin B/ Chloramphenicol + steroid mixture
3 drops 3 times daily in the affected ear for 10-14 days
II. If disease is associated with
- Local decongestants
Xylometazoline / Oxymetazoline / Ephedrine Nose drop
- Systemic decongestants
Psedoephedrine/ Antihistamine
Treatment of predisposing factors if any
e.g. Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy etc.
Treatment of Dry ear :
Only advises
Surgery for tubo-tympanic disease :
c) Cortical mastoidectoomy- if mastoid air cells act as reservoir of infections
d) Ossiculoplasty if ossicle is eroded
Complications :
1.Active (Discharging ear)
2.Dry ear (No discharge)- Only perforation
Active stage :
I.Aural toileting
IV.To remove source of infection, if any
I.Aural toileting :
- Better to be done by aseptic suction clearance under microscope or dry moppingII. Drugs :
- Local antibiotic drops : Gentamycin/ Neomycin/ Bacitracin/ Polymyxin B/ Chloramphenicol + steroid mixture
3 drops 3 times daily in the affected ear for 10-14 days
-Systemic antibiotics : Indications for using systemic antibiotics-
I. If discharge is profuse andpurulent
II. If disease is associated with
- Local decongestants
Xylometazoline / Oxymetazoline / Ephedrine Nose drop
- Systemic decongestants
Psedoephedrine/ Antihistamine
Treatment of predisposing factors if any
e.g. Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy etc.
Treatment of Dry ear :
Only advises
Surgery for tubo-tympanic disease :
a)To remove source of infection
b)To repair perforation
- Myringoplastyc) Cortical mastoidectoomy- if mastoid air cells act as reservoir of infections
d) Ossiculoplasty if ossicle is eroded
Complications :
1.Slowly progressive hearing loss
2.Mucous polyp formation
3. Otitis externa
4. Otogenic tetanus
5. Carcinoma middle ear- in long standing cases
6. Cholesteatoma formation
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